Payment can be sent:
by check to SMHS PTSA c/o Maggie Mar, 2724 Monterey Road, San Marino, CA 91108; or
by PayPal by clicking below.
We prefer checks to ensure that 100% of your donation supports Grad Night, without any deductions for bank fees.
Super Smash Brothers - $10,000
1 Grad Night ticket, Priority Check-In, 50 raffle tickets, 12 reserved graduation ceremony seats, 4 reserved graduation ceremony parking spots, and recognition in all materials and promotions
Mario Kart - $ 5,000
1 Grad Night ticket, Priority Check-In, 40 raffle tickets, 8 reserved graduation ceremony seats, 3 reserved graduation ceremony parking spots, and recognition in all materials and promotions
Pokémon - $2,500
1 Grad Night ticket, 20 raffle tickets, 6 reserved graduation ceremony seats, 2 reserved graduation ceremony parking spots, and recognition in all materials and promotions
The Legend of Zelda - $ 1,500
1 Grad Night ticket, 15 raffle tickets, 4 reserved graduation ceremony seats, and recognition in all materials and promotions
Animal Crossing - $1,000
1 Grad Night ticket, 10 raffle tickets, 2 reserved graduation ceremony seats, and recognition in all materials and promotions
Donkey Kong - $ 500
1 Grad Night ticket, 10 raffle tickets, and recognition in all materials and promotions
We kindly ask for a $100 donation per flocking with a check made out to SMHS PTSA. A tax donation letter will be emailed upon receipt of all donations, and those donations of $100 or greater will be recognized in promotional materials. We kindly ask for a donation of $200 for special event flocking.
Food donation
Food donation for Grad Night